Friday, November 12, 2010

Feelings on friends & work....

I am not sure what to think about most people right now.... and  I am also not sure how some people can be so rude... I'll start off with work. Why are people at my job so rude if you dress nice?? It isnt everyone but certain people and why do they have to say rude comments when people are walking by? It is probably just immaturity but whatever.

Now about my friends.... I am not sure what to think right now... I love all of my friends, that's a given but as to what I think I am not so sure. I feel like a few people always have to be better than everyone else and are always fighting to be the best but who really cares? I feel like what I thought to be true isn't very true anymore and my perspective has changed on a lot.

I believe if you want to be a good Christian witness you need to show love & kindness at ALL times not just when you feel like it but I think that is forgotten and people just decide to be rude. I have a coworker who is always talking about how she goes to church and loves Jesus. I came in to work early one day to work overtime, I normally start at 9 am & I got there at 7 am. We were backed up on tasks and I could only work hers so I did some of the normal ones & closed out the easier ones to get the numbers down. She goes and complains to my sup about it. Whatever, who cares right? Well they tell me that is how it comes across when I talked to them on break & when I come back from break my coworker starts saying how I shouldnt work them when I come in early bc I am taking all the easy ones. I tell her I worked other ones not just those and she starts YELLING at me literally on the floor in front of everyone. Seriously what kind of witness is that? A pathetic one. I feel a lot like that right now. Like people are being fake. I've not only noticed it in my friends & at work but at church too. I am praying about it & it hurts me so much but all I can do is talk to God.


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